Through out history radio shows have advanced through the years and have changed and developed, for example today's radio show has a more commonly spoken DJ and more laid back. on the other hand the 1996 show was very different and the DJ spoke in a more formal tone, and was well spoken (posh), here are some more examples:
- Cheesy, comical old fashioned jingle
- Fuzzy recording
- Muffled sounds
- Introduction of who the dj is
- The plan of the show
- Applause
- The dj speaks very quickly as if he is on a timer.
- Jingle played throughout
- Includes guest hosts mainly musical artists
- No jingle
- No introduction of the dj or plan of the show
- The dj is more laidback and speaks slower than the dj ten years ago.
- Clear recording
- Wider range of music
- Includes audience by using competitions, questions for celebrities etc.
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